Wednesday, May 24, 2006


'Snaked' that is.

This is Coz (short for Cosby). I was going to rename him 'Solomon' or 'Methusela', but I guess he'll just remain Coz for now. That's because I have to get rid of him. Lisa thought she could put up with me having it even though she's really not fond of reptiles. But it turns out that she's REALLY not happy REALLY NOT AT ALL happy with's got to go! Anyone want to buy a cool snake? $100.00.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Born to Goof

Comedy Routine
May 4, 2006

Hi, I’m Wayne. I’m a codependent and a nicotine addict.

(cup ear & motion to crowd to elicit the AA response)

Not many recovering alchys in this bar I guess.


I’m involved in 12 Step work…it’s kind of like dancing…

(eyes drift off in thought)

no…it’s nothing like dancing.

But I suck at that too. Could I get a beer?

Oh yeah…I quit drinking.


I’m here to support my literary mentor, Alliee. She’s a hoot.

I miss the writer’s group she hosts.

And every time I do they fine me five bucks! Brutal!


But really, I like to mess with words. (pause)

You can totally abuse them and they won’t say a thing.


But yeah, I like to switch words or letters around so they sound like something else.

Oh hey…ya wanna see my butt…belkel? ‘Butt Belkel’…‘Belt buckle’

(show buckle)

I got this ‘Keep On Truckin’’ one at the flea market.

Yeah, I’m an old hippy. That was a bummer too. My parents wouldn’t let me have long hair. Then when I could it all fell out.


When I was in high school my step-brother and I dropped acid and came up with a phrase that described how we were both feeling. The truth is we forgot how to talk. Our entire vocabulary leaked out of our heads except for 2 words: ‘ornery biscuit’. That’s all we could say. I think it laced with strychnine.

We were too pasted to really talk anyway…we just leaned against the wall of this church and watched a row of trees turn into a giant paisley dragon.

I guess nobody saw us. The pastor didn’t say anything about it in church that Sunday.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Gina the Wonder Dog! Aint' she sweet!

Tricks is good! I'm currently studying for my MCSE. I got gov't $ to go to school and get to collect unemployment while I'm doing it. I've got 2 certifications under my belt so far and now I'm working on XP Pro.

I've been unemployed since 12/4/05. Having recently purchased a nice home in Greenfield, CA, Lisa and I are navigating some challenging financial waters (what with the gas prices and all). We have been blessed by some wonderful family and friends who have given us a little help and to whom we are eternally grateful.

God is good!

Hmm....Shaven Wayne

still getting the hang of this thing. Late adopter, but here
I am in Blogville! Posted by Picasa

Testing 1-2-3

This is a test of the emergency face reconfiguration system. Seems to be working; though the upper lip, which hasn't seen the unfiltered light of day in 30-aught years, is a bit testy over having been thus denuded. We'll see how quickly it recovers.
