...well...more like a 'Mid-Year Update'.
It's been an exciting year so far, and promises to get only better (in spite of the gloomy economic situation).
Last year left us with some major craziness that we embraced cheerfully knowing that God is faithful and his love contstant. First of all, we made a decision to preemptively leave our home in Greenfield when it appeared that we would not be able to refinance nor get any other remedy through the bank to our adjusting mortgage. Yup, we had a part in the current financial dilemma we are all facing. We fully own that and were not happy to make the decision to walk, but we were diligent in trying to find a solution and when the bank finally started talking about how they might help us stay in the house, it was too little - too late.
God provided through some dear friends a beautiful home in North Salinas which they offered to us with an affordable lease and an option to buy. We are happy to be close to our church, family and work again.
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