Comedy Routine
May 4, 2006
Hi, I’m Wayne. I’m a codependent and a nicotine addict.
(cup ear & motion to crowd to elicit the AA response)
Not many recovering alchys in this bar I guess.
I’m involved in 12 Step work…it’s kind of like dancing…
(eyes drift off in thought)
no…it’s nothing like dancing.
But I suck at that too. Could I get a beer?
Oh yeah…I quit drinking.
I’m here to support my literary mentor, Alliee. She’s a hoot.
I miss the writer’s group she hosts.
And every time I do they fine me five bucks! Brutal!
But really, I like to mess with words. (pause)
You can totally abuse them and they won’t say a thing.
But yeah, I like to switch words or letters around so they sound like something else.
Oh hey…ya wanna see my butt…belkel? ‘Butt Belkel’…‘Belt buckle’
(show buckle)
I got this ‘Keep On Truckin’’ one at the flea market.
Yeah, I’m an old hippy. That was a bummer too. My parents wouldn’t let me have long hair. Then when I could it all fell out.
When I was in high school my step-brother and I dropped acid and came up with a phrase that described how we were both feeling. The truth is we forgot how to talk. Our entire vocabulary leaked out of our heads except for 2 words: ‘ornery biscuit’. That’s all we could say. I think it laced with strychnine.
We were too pasted to really talk anyway…we just leaned against the wall of this church and watched a row of trees turn into a giant paisley dragon.
I guess nobody saw us. The pastor didn’t say anything about it in church that Sunday.