Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Hungry For Change

Matthew 3

I'm starving. I'm parched. I'm hungry for change (

It would appear that the Judeans during John's ministry were also experiencing hunger and thirst as they flocked to the Jordan to confess their sins and identify with a symbol of cleansing and regeneration. What were they anticipating? Jesus had not yet begun to expound on the attributes of the Kingdom of Heaven. They must have been knowledgeable about the OT prophesies about the Messianic Age and the good things that would characterize God's reign on earth.

So John came indicating what was necessary to prepare for the Kingdom that was 'at hand'. Repent...prepare the way...bring forth fruit worthy of repentance. I can't rely on my heritage or my list of accomplishments. I must acknowledge my spiritual poverty and mourn over my infatuation with my worldly riches. This is not a message of cheap grace. The axe is laid to the root. He will thoroughly cleanse his threshing-floor.
